The Emergence of Violent Behaviour: References and Resources
References and Further Reading
I have received a few requests to supply the reference details for my article series: The Emergence of Violent Behaviour. Please find below a list of all the resources consulted and recommended further reading.
Akers, R.L and Jensen, G.F (2007) Editors Introduction. In Social Learning Theory and the Explanation of Crime. Akers, R.L and Jensen, G. [Eds] Transaction Publishers: London
Anderson, G.S. (2007) Biological Influences on Criminal Behaviour. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press
Archer, J. (1991). The influence of testosterone on human aggression. British Journal of Psychology, 82, 1–28
Bandura, R.L (1977) Social Learning Theory, Englewood Cliffs: NY.
Bartol, C.R. (1999). Criminal behaviour: A psychosocial approach, (5th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Boyd, N. (2000). The testosterone connection. In The Beast Within: Why Men Are Violent, 115–138. Vancouver, B.C., New York: Greystone Books.
Canter, D. (1994) Criminal Shadows, Harper Collins: London.
Canter, D., Kaouri, C. and Ioannou, M. (2003) The facet structure of criminal narratives, in Facet Theory: Towards Cumulative Social Science, S. Levy and D.Elizur (eds), University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Centre for Educational Development, Ljubljana, pp. 27–38.
Canter, D. and Youngs, D. (2009) Investigative Psychology: Offender Profiling and the Analysis of Criminal Action. John Wiley and Sons Ltd: West Sussex.
Dabbs, J.M., Carr, T.S., Frady, R.L, and Riad, J.K. (1995). Testosterone, crime and misbehaviour among 692 male prison inmates. Personality and Individual Differences, 18(5), 627–633.
Eysenck, H. J. (1977) Crime and Personality (3rd Ed.) London: Paladin
Eysenck, H.J. (1987). Personality theory and the problems of criminality. In In Applying Psychology to Imprisonment: Theory and Practice, McGurk, B., Thornton, D., Williams, M. (Eds.), London: Her Majesty’s Stationary Office.
Frye, N. Anatomy of Criticism. (1957). Princeton University Press: Princeton
Fuller, J.L., and Thompson, W.R. (1978). Foundations of Behavioural Genetics. Mosby: St Louis.
Furnham, A.F. and Thompson, J. (1991). Personality and self-reported delinquency. Personality and Individual Differences, 12. pp585–593.
Gottfredson, M.R., and Hirschi, T. (1990) A General Theory of Crime. Stanford University Press: Stanford.
Goring, C. (1913) The English Convict. Retrieved from
Hirschi, T. (1969) Causes of Delinquency. University of California Press: Berkeley.
Hollin, C. (1992). Criminal Behaviour: A Psychological Approach to Explanation and Prevention. Psychology Press Ltd: East Sussex.
Ioannou, M. (2008). Individualistic explanations of crime. In Canter, D (Eds.), Criminal Psychology: Topics in Applied Psychology, 21–36 London: Hodder Education.
Jeffery, C.R (1965) Criminal behaviour and learning theory, Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science. 56, pp294–300
Loeber, R. (1990) Development and risk factors of juvenile antisocial behaviour and delinquency. Clinical Psychology Review, 10, 1–41
McAdams, D. (1988) Biography, narratives and lives: an introduction. Journal of Personality, 56, 1–18.
Niehoff, D. (1999). Seeds of controversy. In The Biology of Violence: How Understanding the Brain, Behaviour and Environment Can Break the Vicious Circle of Aggression. 1–30 New York: Free Press
Ousey, G., and Wilcox, P. (2007) The interaction of antisocial propensity and life course varying predictors of delinquent behaviour: Differences by method of estimations and implications for theory. Criminology, 45, 313–354
Powell, G.E (1977) Psychoticism and social deviancy in children. Advances in Research and Therapy, 1. pp27–56.
Raine, A. (1993). The Psychopathology of Crime: Criminal Behaviour as a Clinical Disorder (pp.191–214). Academic Press: London
Venables, P.H., Raine, A. (1987). Biological theory. In Applying Psychology to Imprisonment: Theory and Practice, McGurk, B., Thornton, D., Williams, M. (Eds.), London: Her Majesty’s Stationary Office. 3–38.
Watt, B., Howells, K and Delfabbro, P (2004) Juvenile recidivism: Criminal propensity, social control and social learning theories. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. 2(1).
Weinberger, L.E., Sreenivasan, S., Garrick, T, and Osran, H. (2005). The impact of surgical castration on sexual recidivism risk among sexually violent predatory offenders. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 33(1), 16–36.
Yarbrough, A., Jones, S., Sullivan, C., Sellers, C and Cochran, J (2012) Social learning and self-control: Assessing the moderating potential of criminal propensity. In International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 56, 191.
Yochelson, S., and Samenow, S. (1976). The Criminal Personality, Vol. 1: A Profile for Change. Jason Aronson: New York